Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Travis S- Sputnik Program

The Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957. This was the world's first artificial satellite which was about the size of a beach ball and weighed about 190lbs. This was beast took about 98 minutes to orbit the Earth on its elliptical path. Since this incredible event happened, it started new political, military, technoligical, and scientific developments. The Sputnik launch started the Space Age and the U.S.-U.S.S.R space race.

The Sputkik was a great achievement that caught the world unprepared. The public feared since the Soviets could successfully launch satellites that they were capable to launch missiles that could carry nuclear weapons from Europe to the U.S. The Soviets struck again on November 3, as Sputknik II was launched, carrying a much heavier load which included a dog named Laika. According to this, that meant the Soviets were closer to sending people into space. Imagine the possibilities and the horrific chaos that would have been if they were successfull with this. The power would no longer be with the Americans who were the first to go into the obis of space.

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